
Short Bio

Cape Cod -based, Kentucky-born abstract expressionist artist. Studied in Old Lyme, Brussels, and Provincetown.


'I think life is ultimately ambiguous...people, things, events are seldom as they first appear. Certainty and precision are
fleeting, ephemeral - -  abstractions, and I embrace ambiguity as fundamental to my work. Detours, mis-steps, chance are parcel to the effort, and the lost lane and unfound door are footprints of my journey.
While I am essentially an abstract expressionist painter, some 'objective idea' will typically emerge, providing a communicable anchor. However, my work concludes with the idea...it does not begin with that certainty. I seek to render an honest and immediate invitation to look, and perhaps, a lure to linger.


Tom Wilson Jones was born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky. His late career as a working artist followed successful corporate and consulting careers, although from childhood he nurtured an artistic impulse, drawing and painting throughout his adult life. He began formal studies with the maritime watercolorist Bill Steeves in Old Lyme, CT, continuing his studies as an expatriate living in Brussels where he took up oils, swept up in both Belgian Surrealist art and the late-Modernist influences emanating from the U.S.
His professional career took him to multiple states and countries, enabling him to frequently visit the world's great galleries and museums.
Jones' move to Cape Cod enabled immersion in his art, and continued schooling in the Provincetown artistic community, notably with Robert Henry who studied under Hans Hofmann in Provincetwon and NYC.
He resides year-round in Harwich Port, Cape Cod.

Resume / CV

Formal studies including a minor in Philosophy and Masters in Psychology both inform Jones' work.
Art studies include Old Lyme, the Royal Museum of Brussels school, and the Provincetown Art and Museum (PAAM).
Jones is represented by Cross Rip Gallery in Harwich Port.
Notable awards include prizes in the All-Cape Show, 2018.